Infographic: The Cure for Project Failure by Wrike

There are several causes which make projects fail and every failed project has its own issues. Depending upon the type of project sometimes a single event leads to the failure of the project and sometimes more than one.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it, Charles R. Swindoll.
However, when examining the flip-side, failure, we sometimes cringe at the fact that it could happen to us.
Perhaps this is why it seems to be one of the least discussed topics. Who wants to admit to their failure – certainly not to your boss or company head. Yet failure still happens.
We could even say that it’s rampant especially when it comes to ill-defined projects. That’s why it’s so important to evaluate your project at the start.
Closely examine all, roadblocks, hurdles, hills, detours, potholes, manholes or even an angry flock of birds. I think you get the point. Before starting your project, knowing exactly what lays ahead lets the project manager, team, and client mitigate associated risks. Here is information you may find informative.
The Cure for Project Failure (#Infographic)
Infographic brought to you by Wrike

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